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Kimberly Swinson


Kimberly has a diverse background that ranges from teaching fitness classes, managing apartments and duplexes to business to business sales. Kimberly believes that we function better as a human species when we collaborate and work together for common goals.  She shares the vision of creating sustainable communities where we grow our own food, co-create, and live a simple healthy lifestyle in community. 

She is passionate about living healthy and promotes this through a seven day water fast and enema cleanse ceremony and afterwards eating only raw organic foods. She believes that every human has the spark of the divine and can embody the highest version of themselves while in a human body should they choose to. Kimberly strives to embody at all times the inner knowing that we are ONE, and to serve with compassion and love in all she does.

David Swinson

Vice President

David is an Energy Frolicker, a modern day mystic and a true heart centered being. He has dedicated his life to serving others through  music and creative expression. His mission is to spread love, cultivate joy and empower others to step into their highest potential.

David uses his gifts of energy Frolicking, sound baths,  yoga and creative expression to help individuals and communities connect to their inner power and create positive change in their lives. Through his books, retreats and private sessions, David creates an inspiring and safe environment for people to explore their unique gifts and unlock their true potential.

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Johnathan Smith


My name is Jonathan Smith, a humble traveler in the expansive tapestry of universal consciousness. Guided by a profound calling, I've become a bridge, weaving together tribes from every corner of our Earthly sanctuary to craft a symphony of unity and serenity. My journey, etched with the intricacies of navigating through 26 foster homes, time spent in juvenile hall, and confronting profound life-altering events, has been a sacred pilgrimage of growth and enlightenment.

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The Board

Meet the Board of The SDIC Inc.

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