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Kimberly Swinson

Kimberly Swinson is an amazing woman who loves to spread joy and love to those around her. She is a True Raw chef, plays the guitar, and loves yoga and dancing. She is a mother and grandmother who practices Unconditional Love for All.

As the President of The SDIC Inc., Kimberly strives to create a loving and supportive environment for her team, and she encourages everyone to reach their goals. She is passionate about creating a better world and inspiring others to do the same. Visit her website to learn more about her and The SDIC Inc.!

I always knew I had a book in me that wanted to be birthed. I wasn't sure exactly what it was going to be, so I just started writing about my story. I had over 100 pages written and typed up when my world turned upside down. I was inspired to sit in a ten day sacred ceremony with the medicine Iboga. When I asked Iboga some questions in my mind about the book I was writing, the medicine (which I know is the Creator, the I Am in each of us) told me to forget that book. It gave me a vision so clearly in my mind of the title of the book it wished to be birthed through this expression of the I Am, Kimberly; Truth, Simplicity, Gratitude and Love. I saw the cover in my mind as clear as you would see a movie. Truth, Simplicity, Gratitude and Love were in big bold pink and red letters and thought to myself, "Odd. That is not a cover I would have chosen, but okay.... I trust."  I went to writing thinking I was creating a book for adults.  I kept hitting a wall so to speak.  It just wasn't flowing. Then one day a friend said to me, "I have always loved teaching children.  They are so much more open and receptive!"  And  the light went on in my head. I didn't understand the book cover because I thought I was writing a book for adults! But this book Creator wanted birthed through me was for kids!!! I wrote the book in one day and painted all the pictures in three days. I had never been into drawing or painting before that. I had so much fun doing it, it never once felt like work! I knew I had found one of my callings and passions! I then created a song with the help of my husband and AI to share with everyone.  These principals are timeless.  I know if we follow them, we will be aligned with the divinity in each of us. To hear the song and sing along, click here! With all my unconditional love, Kimberly