The Stupid Duh Idiot Club is a club for the people by the people
The Stupid Duh Idiot Club
And The SDIC was.
AKA. The Stupid Duh Idiot Club
We Hiked at night
click sdic to learn more about sdic
We Gathered for Good
We Brainstormed

The SDIC is a gathering of visionaries sharing ideas to better the world.

Members go out and do good,
make life grand and help earthlings

At The SDIC it's To Each His Own
Bringing what you have,
being what you are,
doing what you can,
being yourself,
Getting off the normal and doing good

The SDIC is to inspire
the development of
sustainable communities
Gathering to help those In need
Seizing the day Seeking the truth
Doing something enjoyed
Seeing the love and beauty of this world praising to the heavens thanking for this life
gather for good to do good
Gather here or there Start something good new and inspiring.
Connections established
Bridges Built
Friendships made
Suck the marrow out of life
Inspiring communities to
live off their local land
Growing Gardens
Doing Good for Good
Helping the Helpless
Hopeing the Hopeless
Gathering for supporting of others
Connecting board visionaries with other visionaries
Establish a Chapter in your area
Membership cards
Stupid Duh Idiot Club Games
Sdic Jiberish Dictionary
Cape Secrets Reveled
Planning events scavenger hunts and fund raisers
Hiking biking snow shoeing gatherings workshops