THe StUpid Duh IdiOt CluB
Welcome Idiot!! Are you lost?? Or are you where your ment to be?
This is a stupid club of Idiots. You would have to be duh to want to join such a club.
You must be an idiot if you think you should be in a stupid duh club.
GO away
Nobody likes yous
You should not join this idiot club
Its not for you so go
In the club you must start out as a Nobody. Nobody knows about the idiot club. Nobody is a Member of the sdic. Now that you know that Nobody likes you and you are still here wanting to be a Nobody too.
Welcome NOBODY!!
You are a Sdic pawn living in the Sdic Pond where new members hang out while Not Sure.
A Nobody must be varafied to move on to the next rank
Nobody spreads the word of Sdic Haps.
Nobody shows up on gatherings.
Nobody brings something to share.
Nobody brings more Nobodys.
Nobody wants to have a cape.
Nobody is an Idiot.
How to Get out of Nobodys SDIC Pond
Find Somebody or Anybody to Sponsor Nobody out of Nobodys Pond to become
a some type of Somebody somewhere....until then there is
Nobody canot Call Hike
Only Nobody can become a Cracker Eater Police-First Joint Cheif of Duh Staff